Today was the first day back into my painting class and I was welcomed with open arms! People were wondering how long it would take me to get back! They were happy to see me and one of my former students is in the class as well.
So today I'm on my quest to finish 100 pieces of artwork in a year. I'm ahead only because I've decided to count thumbnail sketches. Yeah, it's cheating a little, but I'm working and that's all that matters. I'm also into photography, beading, digital scrapbooking, and learning how to tweek my photos so GIVE ME A BREAK! Haha!
Anyway, I started working in oils today on a painting of my little Buddy. He's looking very cute, as he really looks. When people saw what I was working on they all had a collective, "AWWWW" in their response. So I'm posting the picture. It's not done, it's only two hours of work completed so far. I was late to class because I had to give blood today for a doctor's appointment tomorrow.
Remember, it's just an undercoating and I didn't do all phases of it, it's what artists call "roughed in" or the beginning of an underpainting. Buddy is a light wheat color so to pull that color out, I have to throw in blues, yellows, and a slew of other colors. His eyes are brown, so I added some orange and light green for highlights...but I'm not done with them yet for a long shot.
I'm beginning to like art all over again...I go in stretches...