BUT...I always somehow find time to do some art. Remember that painting I was working on of the land/seascape of Maui I was working on? Well, I took that one back out and I'm finally putting the turtle in! I'm also working on a portrait of Jennifer Aniston. Why her? Well, she's just someone I want to do a portrait of, that's all. So, yes, I'm still doing artwork.
And this Thursday, come hell or high water, I'm going out painting at Sharky's in Venice with a group of outdoor painters. They've asked me several times and no matter how I feel, I'm going! I have to deal with pain anyway, might as well make it worth it to have it!
Meanwhile, my friend Diane Mannion has been painting her little heart out all this while and I'm sure she's pasted me in accomplishments. But that's okay, she still motivates me. I adore her. And I still watch online for new Dreama Perry paintings because I love her style. I can't paint like that, but that's HER style, not mine.
Other than that, I have literally thousands of pictures of Europe to weed through and find if there are some I'd like to paint. One taken in Venice I know I want to do, but I want to do it in Watercolor, and for those who know me best, know I detest watercolor, but the subject matter just seems to lend itself to that medium.
Will post soon! Hold me to it, Diane!