This is the beginning of a new painting. I did the blue background, let it dry, then started, just started to lay in the foundations for the clouds, with the water below. I have a "vision" of what this will look like in the end. I'm far from even getting anywhere on this one, but I thought I'd at least show it's something I'm working on. I have so much to do on this one, starting with that blue in the sky, too purplish of a color, I'm going to add some payne's gray to dull it down.
16" X 20" Oils
Now for something totally different...I'm painting zebras!
Acrylic 16" X 20".
I'm only on the first coat of background and blocking in color of where the zebras are, but it's coming along! My thought is to make it very, very dramatic.
Here's a close up of the zebras. It's one littler zebra under a larger zebra. It's only the beginning.
It will look so much different as time goes on. That is the one thing about being an artist, you can't give up when a painting is in those developing stages, you have to envision it completed and work to make it come to life.
16" X 20" Acrylic.
I know who will like this friend Bonnie, she is obsessed with zebras! Hopefully in the future I can put it into shows and sell it.