This was K9 Apollo, a true hero.
I'm working on his portrait using my normal methods of drawing, blocking in color, smearing, adding more color, working it and working it until I think it's done. I also use an iPad to help me see things better. I love that discovery, that I can zoom in to reveal more detail in my work. It's drastically helped me!
But, another way I've learned to improve my work is by using the program
I like to use the collage feature where I can place my work next to the original, and for some reason, all the mistakes pop up, things I thought were okay, need more work, obvious things I should be seeing, come to light for me. Again, it's helping me improve my work.
Tools of the trade years ago meant using a magnifier glass, or enlarging a copy, then making the copy in color, even taking photographs or instant photos, but nowadays with the digital age, all you need is an iPad or a laptop to see your work so much easier. Also, using programs like picmonkey which allows you to line your (what you think is finished) work, next to the original to see even more things that need changing, thus making your work better.
Try it.
Use your iPad. Try Picmonkey, it's FREE!
Click here to discover Picmonkey. Play around with a photo that doesn't mean anything to you, you will suddenly get so hooked on that program!
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