Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Me in Rome, loving every minute of it.

I have no idea how the masters did such marvels of work in and around the Sistine Chapel.  I was there about two summers ago and was awed by their work.  Nothing in the world like it and worth seeing even if you are NOT an artist!  You are allowed to take as many photos as you are able to get away with taking.  (They're generous actually...only telling you at certain points to not take pictures.)  

The walls "spoke" to me knowing I am following in their footsteps in a very, very small way.  No one of today, could even get close to the work they did under the conditions they did.  Perhaps that is why I respect them so much and can't stand abstracts, and artists who have to explain the garbage they call art.    Mind you, I understand abstracts, and their place in the art world, just like minimalism, dada-ism, impressionism, etc., but the work of the masters here pictures in Rome, are a marvel I pray everyone can sometime see.  If you question you might not like it, take my word for it, you will be overwhelmed by their talent.  

See that window above my head?  It was HOT in there, and to think they were painting on their backs...simply amazing.  so why are the people wearing long pants?  Well, actually, it's a church on some parts of the grounds and that girl in the center of the picture later was handed a scarf to cover up her bare arms out of respect to the Catholic religion.  

When I'm not working on my art, like I am right now (I restart art class on Wednesday), I am reminded by seeing photos like this of my "forefathers" who carved a path for me to follow.  

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