Today we're back in beautiful
Although it may not look like the typical Honolulu setting, rest assured it is Honolulu, Hawaii, at a place called Kualoa Regional Park. It is south of the Kahana Valley State Park, which if you look at a map of Oahu, the island Honolulu is on, it is at about two, nearly three o'clock if you viewed it as a clock. WAY north of famous Waikiki Beach.
You may say, "You go to Hawaii and take a picture of a tree?" Well, I just found it interesting, besides, we had breakfast on Waikiki Beach that morning at famous Duke's, looking at Diamond it was time to discover. I was FORTUNATE that my husband STOPPED the car to take a picture! But, this is only the painting, an inspiration of what it looked like, there is NO way I could represent how beautiful it looked like, at least not in a "painting a day" challenge! Perhaps if I took more time, I could show how the clouds touch the mountains and it feels as if God's Heaven is meeting the Earth.
On that thought, here's the original photo.
But I wanted to push the photo a bit, and decided to go with a minimum palette painting, so this was my result.
Kind of cool, isn't it? Very Ansel Adams type, or Clyde Butcher style!
Since I only had one day, and was frustrated to be under that pressure since I prefer to do quality rather than quantity, I decided to get a head start on the next two paintings due by the end of the month. No, it's not cheating, in fact, even if you have a painting started a long time ago and finally finish it, it's consider a painting in a day!
The limited palette colors I used for the Honolulu painting are:
Titanium White
Permalba Black
Cerulean Blue
(that's it, three colors)
And for brushes I also only used three:
#12 flat shader
1/4" Angular shader
and a
10/0 script brush to do all the leaves on the me, I had that brush DANCING on the canvas!
So here's the next painting, which is called, "Honeymoon Rock" which is located north of Jama, Ecuador in a town called "Provincia de Manabi". I guess if you go to that rock legend has it, you'll always feel like you're on your honeymoon. (Yeah, right.)
I also "pushed" that photo with making it lead more into just yellows.
Now, for my final painting for the 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge...Moulin Rouge, in Paris!
Is it wishful thinking that those grays and blacks be partially dry so I can paint the rest, or am I a dreamer? The Moulin Rouge is something I've always wanted to see, and photograph myself so I could paint it. Nice how dreams are coming true. Funny thing is, nearly no one knows...haha!
The beige in those Moulin Rouge paintings will be done tomorrow while I have the yellowish colors out for the Ecuador painting.
So to recap, tonight I reminisced about Hawaii, Ecuador and Paris! I had on Hula music, Spanish and French tonight on my iPhone. Aloha, Si, and Qui. BYE!
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