Saturday, December 20, 2014

Brunie is complete!

K9 Officer Brunie R.I.P.

Brunie 01-10-2011 to 09-28-1014, Over 15 Felony Apprehensions, 100 plus Bomb sweep/searches.  Brunie was not afraid to make the "call" when needed. Always ready.  Brunie saved many lives in his short time here, including mine and the citizens of the community, especially on August 1st 2013, when he took down the armed carjacking suspect on live TV that day.  As many don't see in the video, the suspect pulled a gun from his waist band and started to point it at us, at that time Brunie did his job and saved my life, the suspects life and others that day.  He was awarded the Patrol Case of the year for 2013 through the NPCA, National Police Canine Association.  Brunie was special to all of us, my wife, kids, family, co-workers.  In the end he paid the ultimate sacrifice, his life, doing his job, on 09-21-2014 he flushed a felony suspect out of the woods that was later arrested on a residence check.  Some where along the search he came into contact with something that effected his neurological system, he became very ill and would not eat or drink.  Brunie went from 76lbs. to 56lbs. in 8 days.  He was diagnosed with Dysautonomia, no cure, just grave.  The decision was made to let Brunie go.  Brunie did his job and did it well.  He served the citizens of KCMO well.  Another moment of good times was when the All Star Event of MLB was here in KC.  We had the detail of sweeping the infield and Brunie  relieved himself just passed Home Plate, priceless.  May he rest in peace EOW 09282014 K9 Brunie!  

Here is his step-by-step collage.

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