It never ceases to amaze me how vast the world wide web truly is.
I was looking at my statistics for my website and to my surprise, I've had people from every continent except Antarctica! (If I ever get someone in Antarctica looking at my work I'd make a special post on it for sure!)
I've had countries in South America, Europe, Australia and Asia. It's not showing Africa, but I have a friend who lives in South Africa who I know has gone on my website, so I don't know why it hasn't shown up. Of course most of the "hits" come from the USA, but, when I get them from other countries for some reason it just makes me marvel!
And as for the United States, I could do a portrait of a dog in California and get hits from New Jersey and Pennsylvania...create a portrait of one in Virginia and get hits from Wisconsin! It's CRAZY!
This is also another reason I have to keep abreast of all the new technology!
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