Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Learning while I can't paint!

Since I'm moving in less than two weeks and all my supplies are packed up, I thought it would be a good time to learn more ways to promote and try things which I normally don't have the time to do.  Like Pinterest.

Wow, is that ever cool!  I'm still learning it.  I only have 8 followers, all people I know from Facebook except for one, and I'm thrilled to have a new person!  I'd like to tell her but I don't know how to yet!

I also sold a painting on Facebook by just posting some work, so I'm going to do that every so often.  If it's not out there for the public to see, how can they purchase?  Now, I know that from years of retail but failed to do it with my art!  DUH!

Another thing I've failed to do is change up my website.  No one likes going to the same darn I added some new photos, and also what I need to do is switch things up, and I should have known that from owning my own art supply store!  If people don't see it in one location, move it, they'll see it someplace else.  I did it all the time at the store and people would ask, "When did you get this in?"  (It was elsewhere in the shop, that's all.)  But I'd kindly say, "Oh, I've had it, you just missed it."

Anyway, it's a break from the norm.

On the flip side, I'm so sore from moving things today...a little at a time...cause the more we move on our own the less we have to pay movers.  And movers are expensive.  But I'm sore....

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