Friday, December 27, 2013

I love doing portraits!

This was painted in Pastels on Canson paper in a very loose style.

19 1/2" high by 24" wide.

$100 (shipping not included)

***Just a quick note***

I am amazed at my stats (now that I've figured out how to view them).  Today's post of the above portrait was the one most seen since I began blogging my artwork.  In the few years I've been posting, most of the viewers are from the United States of course, but I have had people from Germany, Finland and even Russia check out my blog...which I find absolutely amazing.  I'm so touched!  
Please feel free to leave comments, you must have a gmail account to do so.  If not feel free to leave me an email while on my profile page. 

My sincerest thanks! 


  1. Nice one, Kathleen. Yay for stats... they're addictive!

    1. Thank you Diane! Forgive me for being so late in replying, I'm still learning this blog, and just recently found comments!!! Haha! I have trouble with the little things!
