Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Still painting...

I've been painting from a photo I took while in Australia.  This was on the way to Philip Island, which is south of Melbourne, and home to the "Penguin Parade".  The Penguin Parade is the march of roughly a little over a thousand of "The Little Penguin" (that's their official name and they are the smallest penguins at about 12" tall, about the size of a Barbie doll), when the penguins strut out from the ocean, onto the beach to nest in the grasslands.  It happens every night about a little past nine o'clock.  It is a sight to see.  They waddle and then fall down, and like dominos, the next one falls...simply hilarious.  Some are molting so their bodies look puffy.

So on our way to Philip Island, we went out on a boat to an area where literally thousands of seals lie on rocks and the baby seals play in the water.  Such fun to watch the baby seals.  On the way to and from the seal area (this photo was from the return part of the trip), there is this gorgeous rock with all kinds of colors in it.  I need to add more rust color in the rock I've painted, but it's too wet right now.  And the background hill needs to be a little less bright, but it was spectacular to see.  The contrast was amazing. The waves were rough, but the water was remarkable shades of all kinds of blue.

I was so unsure of what colors to use on that colorful rock, I just put out a ton of paint and guessed at what to use.  I experimented with a few new colors.  (Great way to learn...just experiment.)

What you can't see between the wave in the middle of the picture and the large rock, is a small stretch of land, with seals all over the place.  It was quite a day and the little ship was tossed about, but I didn't get sick, but I did keep on snapping away with my little Canon point and shoot.  I never had a clue Australia was so gorgeous and diverse.  I wish I had taken my good NIKON, but as I've stated before it gets heavy and, actually, on this trip with how the waves were all over, I'm glad I didn't have the better camera.

Here is the progression of the painting.  Lots to do yet!

After about an hour of painting, just to block in color.

Here is the photo from which I am working.

Starting to put in the background hill and large rock. 
About another hour's worth of work.
Note how I changed the color of the sky, I loved how I got it too, I will have to remember that!

Check out that confusing palette!  The painting is too wet to continue, so I will work again tomorrow.  
Thanks for visiting my blog.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Second wave finished!

The second wave painting is finished!  It is another 8" X 8" oil.  I really liked the way the clouds came out.  I photographed them next to each other to show the difference.  They each have things in them I like.  I'm learning with each one I paint.  

Both of these waves were from photographs taken in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.  The Pacific Ocean waves there were amazing.  Large crashing waves on a long stretch of beach.  I also have video of it.  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE waves!  

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Finished and I'm on to another already!


Finished and signed.  I like it.  So much so, I'm painting another wave.  Since I take so many photos of waves, I have a ton of resources of which to choose!

For now, on this blog, I'm only posting the photos taken with my iphone.  When it comes time to sell them on the internet, I will make sure I use my NIKON under the direction of my camera friends behind me teaching me how to present it perfectly.  I know from once before I need to use NO flash, and in natural light, which is probably best in the afternoon, in my garage.  (My friend Bernie taught me that much, but I need a refresher.)  HELP BONNIE AND DIANA!!!  (Hint, hint.)

Friday, March 22, 2013

Painting from one of my photographs!

I am obsessed with ocean waves.  I love the way they curl, splash and flow.  I could watch them for hours.  (Actually, I have.)  I love taking photos of them, however, in my travels, one must remember I have a travel partner that isn't patient with taking photos.  (I'd take all day if I had the opportunity.)  It's like, "Take the picture, already!"  So I snap away and hope for some good shots...and I got some.  The particular wave I chose was taken on Kaua'i.  (I love that place.)  

I'm doing the painting in oils, so this picture is only the beginning of this artwork, and since it's in oils, I have to wait for it to dry before I add the whites of the waves.  The canvas is 8" X 8" gallery wrap and I am painting on the sides of the canvas as well.  On top is the actual painting enlarged to an 8" X 10".  The colors I used are ultramarine blue (mostly in the sky, but in some of the water as well), phthalocyanine blue, indianthrone blue, cerulean blue (which was nearly dried out), some verte green, and of course, titanium white.  I use permalba white.  Now, remember, the foamy parts of the wave are not done yet.  I also "fudged" quite a bit on the wave and free-formed it in, it's not exact.  I still captured the water movement and it's density.  Tomorrow I am attending "Artists in Action" at the Visual Arts Center in Punta Gorda, a group that paints for a few hours with no instruction, we all kind of help each other.  I won't be working on this painting there though because it will still be too wet, besides, I need to go purchase some odorless turpentine tomorrow, as I'm nearly out.  And I have some colors I need to pick up too at Michael's Arts & Crafts.  Will definitely use that 40% discount coupon!

I know someone will tell me to put some birds in the sky, but I am refusing to do so.  I really like the way this is looking so far and some birds will take the viewer's eye away from the wave.  Enjoy the painting's progression!  Will post when it is in it's next stage as soon as it dries.

I wanted you all to see how I'm even painting on the side of the canvas.  I plan on eventually putting this painting online to sell once I get a portfolio of paintings together to sell.  

Thursday, March 21, 2013

What a night!

The red eyed frog sold before the show.  Leaped with his new owners all the way to Canada.

Tonight was the big show.  Some couldn't make it, some made it that I wasn't expecting, but I always try to extend visits to everyone I can.  Tonight a student I had for years, but haven't seen in about 8 years, came to the show.  I was so happy to see her, her name is Evelyn.  

My friend Mark said he might be late, but ended up not arriving at all, he had to work.  

My friends Bob and Adrienne came as promised.  I found out for the first time tonight that Bob paints!  WOW!  You learn something new every day!  

My friends Bob and Rose also came, so all in all, I had a few people come that I know and it's always good to see a face you know in the crowd.  

What a great night.  

No comments on the Kaua'i painting of the Napali coast I put into the show.  That will go up for sale on line as soon as I get more paintings ready.  I am on my way folks, I am on my way!  

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I placed this 6" X 6" acrylic painting in the Teacher-Student art show at the Visual Arts Center in Punta Gorda, Florida to start being on display tomorrow night, Wednesday, March 20th from 7-8:30 pm, but it was sold to a Canadian couple who wanted to immediately take the "Red Eyed Frog" home!  So it won't be in tomorrow's show.  I will not be able to replace it with another piece because all the place cards having the painting's descriptions are done as well as the completed program printed up already.  However, the Art Center told me I can place a photograph of the "Red Eyed Frog" where it would have been and the sold sign will explain everything.

The painting won no recognition, no award, but it sold, and to me, the way it sold so quick, is
the greatest compliment an artist can receive.  I sold it for $75.  The art center gets a portion of the sale but that is standard.  With this happening, it makes me motivated to start selling artwork online!  

I still hope to see you all at the show tomorrow night.  My surprise painting I haven't revealed to you yet (because I never took a photo of it), will be in the show, and also the oil painting of "Little Lilly", which is a nearly all black and white portrait (there is some color in it now, since I posted it the other day).  

Yippee!  Or shall I say "Greeeeedduupppp"!!!  It leaped all the way to Canada!  The art center will provide me with the name and address of the new owners, to which I plan on sending them a hand written thank you note, as well as telling them of this blog so they can follow me!

Friday, March 15, 2013

I decided! (And consider this your invitation!)

On March 21st, from 7-8:30, is the art show at the Visual Arts Center in Punta Gorda, Florida.   I asked my friends (and artists alike), which paintings should I put in the show?  I entered three but I'm only showing two because I want you all to be surprised on which one I picked for the third to show.  

Now remember, the frog is really small, it's only 6" X 6".  You'll really need to search for it.  I named it "Red Eyed Frog" since that's what it is. 

The girl with the captivating eyes I titled "Little Lilly".  (Pulled that name out of thin air.)  But I changed it a little.  You'll need to go to the show to see how I changed it.  It changes it just enough to make it more feminine.  I chose a black frame which has brown streaks in it which kind of matches the sweater curl under her chin.  

See you there!

(By the way, this is your invite...I always like to see familiar faces at art shows where I put artwork in the shows!)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

"Greeedup?" Decisions for art show...

Below are my current choices for an art show.  

First, this Red-Eyed Tree Frog.  He's about six inches square done in acrylics.  Took me about four hours to do.  I like this one a lot. 
Next is this flamingo.  It is done in oils, of which took about fifteen minutes.  I painted it from a photograph I took at "Sunken Gardens".  

It's truly not fair to show this one at all because I'm not done with it yet, but it's an acrylic painting of a girl holding a coconut.  What I tried to do was get the drawing in real quick and then use my left over acrylics from the frog painting.  In about 15 minutes I got quite far!  Her skin tone isn't even in yet and she's wearing a sarong.  I believe the canvas is an 8 X 10.  I will complete this in no time.  (And show it done as well.

This tiny 3 X 3 painting was done in one class time, probably about two hours or so in oils.  I really like this one.  I was from a photo I took in Ecuador.

This unknown girl was done in record time but I'm not done with her yet, I was to add some color pink to her braided hair.  I'm not supposed to put this in a show because it isn't a photo I took, and came out of a magazine, but I know I've changed it enough that it doesn't pass for the original.  I always could put "NOT FOR SALE" on it.  (NFS)  

Or this one, which is two paintings made to look like one.

Missed Tuesday Morning Class...

Overslept.  For those of you who truly know me...know I'm allergic to mornings.  As much as I LOVE my teacher, I'm just not a morning person.   I could not get to sleep. Hey, it happens, I'm not going to beat myself up over it.  Try again next Tuesday morning.