Saturday, September 6, 2014

Day 6 of "30 Paintings in 30 Days"


Today's stop is in the town of Pisa, Italy.  When we were traveling there, we arrived at night and decided to drive around a bit and find the Leaning Tower of Pisa.  We got directions and were told, "You can't miss it.  It's even lit up."  Well, we drove around and drove around and I said, "My luck, it fell down" which got a chuckle from my husband.  We never did find it at night.  

Next day though, we found it...well, we found the crowds...luckily we found a fantastic parking spot too!  I have to tell you...Pisa surprised me.  I liked it far more than I ever thought I would.  I thought, oh once you see the tower, what else is there?  We walked along the Tower area where there are shops and tented businesses selling everything from little towers (which I purchased one), tshirts (which I purchased one), and oh, best of all Italian Leather purchases...which my husband bought me TWO of them, I was shocked!  They are gorgeous.  But the town, the side streets, are BEAUTIFUL!

I found Italians friendly, helpful and happy.  Funny and true story, I know how to ask where the bathroom is in four different languages, but my ancestral language, I was stumped...all I could think was the words for "sh*t house", something my old Sicilian grandmother used to say.  (She had a mouth on her.)  So of course I ask where that is.  They laughed and said, the word is "Toilette".  (Just like in French.)  I felt so stupid.   But, for future Italian cities, I was prepared. 

Would I ever visit Pisa again?  In a heartbeat.  I'd love to share it with my friends.  And I know they loved the purses too!  I have friends that would go crazy taking photos there!

Here's my painting for today, the entrance to the Tower, which at night we drove past and drove past and drove past and never saw it.  It is kind of hard to miss...but I missed it.  

And here's the reference photo. 
This was the best I could paint in one day...I'm sure I'd do a much better job if not pressed for time.

I also have to give the Italians credit...if a building was leaning in America, it would be considered "condemned".  Those Italians are SMART...they've made millions and millions of dollars on a leaning building.  Have to give credit due where credit is due.  Wish we had more time there than just one day.  If I ever go back, I'd spend at least three days just in's so beautiful.  And it's CLEAN...I like CLEAN!

Colors used in this painting:
Permalba White
Titanium White
Cerulean Blue
French Ultramarine Blue
Cadmium Yellow Light
Yellow Ochre
Ivory Black
Burnt Sienna
Raw Sienna
Burnt Umber
W & N Chrome Green
W & N Terra Verte
Alizarin Crimson

I only used four.
1/4" Angular shader
#10 Flat
#2 Round

Here is the step-by-step of the painting.

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  1. Clean? Really? We had just the opposite experience and wouldn't go back. Isn't that funny how different two experiences can be? I'm glad you enjoyed it, you were brave to drive there.

    1. Yes, Joyfulartist, Pisa, Italy was very, very clean, we were wonderfully surprised. Sorry you had a poor experience. The streets were free from litter and there weren't homeless people hanging out all over like a lot of American cities I've visited. And the people were helpful, courteous and always smiling. It was truly a wonderful experience visiting Pisa and I'd go again in a heartbeat.
